Saying thank you by rewarding your fans for creating and sharing content is a great way to drive activity and to build loyalty.

If you offer, it’s critical that you deliver

Remember it’s your responsibility to coordinate and deliver the reward that you’ve promised – failure to do so can cause a nasty social backlash.  With that in mind, we recommend the following:

Digital goods are your best bet

Discounts, promo codes, access to “VIP” events, or on-line hangouts are always a good idea.  They are easy to deliver digitally and generally don’t have material or shipping costs

Caution – Too much of a good thing!

With physical goods, or goods that have a built in cost, be aware of what happens if your campaign is a huge success.  Remember you are responsible for coordinating, packaging, and shipping – a viral success might overwhelm your capacity (and budget).   

You can limit your exposure by putting some qualifiers on the reward.  For example, promise the reward to  “the first ten people to post” or “the top five posts based on number of comments”, etc.

The goal is to build long-lasting relationships with your fans.  Giving them access to unique events or promotions will make them feel special and a part of your team.